Rabbi Kook
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Rabbi Kook's love for the Jewish people was the result of penetrating and divine insight into this people's true essence.
"Various Levels of Bad & Their Exact Judgement"
Rav Kook offers a very innovative explanation of this Talmudic Aggada, how God's punishments are exact and just. -
"By G-d- Even Destruction is Constructive"
When one believes in God, even tragedies are really constructive and eventually beneficial. Similarly, every talent can also be challenging and sometimes detrimental. Rav Kook alludes here also to the constant evolution of mankind, the individual, and Jewish History. -
For Shavuot: "Rav Kook on The Necessity for Humility to Learn Torah"
Humility is always important but Rav Kook stresses here and proves it's essential necessity for Torah study. -
"Rav Kook's 'Take' on the Current Turmoil in Israel"
Rav Kook explains the difference between secular Zionism and the Reform Jewry of his time. -
Our 5 Levels of Life & Existence
One of the major themes of both Talmud study and Kabbala is to get used to understanding the world on various different levels. The world was created through the different "step-down" mechanisms like electric transformers, that direct us to climb back up in the same fashion. This is greatly beneficial also in day-to-day life.
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